Suffolk County GOP

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Derek Chauvin is a murder suspect, not a police officer.

Derek Chauvin should be considered a murder suspect in death of George Floyd—not a police officer.

Two weeks ago, we proudly honored the men and women of law enforcement during Police Week, honoring them for being on the front lines every day to ensure the safety and protection of our families — at times placing themselves in harms way while doing so.

Unfortunately, even among our best organizations there are always a small handful of bad actors. Their actions tarnish the reputations of the heroes they serve with, and are a source of great shame.

Derek Chauvin, the individual involved in the death of George Floyd, is one such example. He has disgraced the uniform he once wore, and should now rightly be referred to only as a murder suspect, not as a police officer. He should be charged, tried and — if convicted —serve prison time for taking the life of George Floyd. Those in uniform who stood by without taking action should also face strong consequences.

Our police are the pride of our community. The men and women who wear a badge serve us with honor. They should not be tarnished for the inexcusable actions of a suspected criminal who made snuck into their ranks.