Suffolk County GOP

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Gene Murray discusses Disastrous Bail Reform

As Governor Cuomo reopens our State in a confusing and autocratic way, New Yorkers will have to face new dangers, brought upon us by our Governor and our Democratic State Senate and Assembly. Instead of repealing New York States FAILED Bail Reform Law, they followed the same game plan that gave us the disastrous law.

They had no public hearing, did not confer with law enforcement, judges, prosecutors, or victims’ groups. They once again passed the legislation in the budget without debate, and little prior notice of the language of the legislation. The result is a mere band-aid on the disastrous law.

There is still no judicial discretion for judges. Judges need to be able to take into account if the defendant is a danger to the public and the likelihood of him committing additional crimes.

The latest victim of this failed law is a 64-year old Brooklyn women who was raped, savagely beaten and left in a vegetative state by her attacker. Her attacker was arrested twice earlier this year and released without bail on charges that included; sex abuse, assault as a hate crime and endangering the welfare of a child.

See attached link to New York Post article dated May 26th. New York States Failed Bail Reform Law needs to be repealed.

Gene Murray For Assembly